Why Do People Buy From You, Parts Two & Three

Like I wrote last week, Purchasing Magazine did a survey and asked the question, “Why do you buy from a particular sales rep?” The number one answer was covered in the previous blog entry. The number two answer is …

Product knowledge. That is, are you an expert in your own goods and services? According to the survey, buyers care that you know your stuff. This should not be a surprise to anyone. It makes complete sense, doesn’t it? In fact, it makes SO much sense that there really isn’t more to blog about on this one. So, I will move on to the third reason …

Customer knowledge. The third reason why buyers choose a particular sales rep is his or her knowledge of them. In other words, does the rep know our industry and its challenges, and can he or she help us to drive revenue or solve a problem?

I put a great deal of stock in this one. With what Al Gore has given us (um, that would be the Internet), there is absolutely no excuse for not knowing a great deal about a client. Let me give you two scenarios and you tell me which one is the better sales call:

“Hi, my name is Bill and I sell promotional products. I was hoping to speak with the person who buys that kind of thing. We have great prices and great service. I want to set up an appointment to come tell you more.”


“Hi, my name is Bill. I saw on your website that you have a product launch coming up. I have some ideas for making that event more successful. I can help and would like to come talk with you.”

There are many differences in these two calls, but the fact that the second one came after some fairly simple website research and preparation made for a far more valuable attempt.

The bottom line on this subject of why people buy from you is that each of the three top reasons is within your control to improve. Buyers didn’t say “price” or “quality” or anything else. They said we buy from the best rep. So, improve your selling skills. They said we need to know our stuff. So, learn your industry. They said we need to know about them. So, learn theirs.

May the best, most expert, and customer-savvy rep win!

Learn to sell print. Go to http://www.aspirefor.com/Aspire_For/Sell_Print.html and read about Bill’s Sales Challenge. Bill can be reached at 781-934-7036 or [email protected].

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